Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March of Gratitude

So I just found out what's good with this March of Gratitude thing. I saw someone write something like that on their Facebook status but I didn't know what it was about. Kim and Dominique just informed me that the deal is every day in March you write something that you are grateful for. I decided that since I missed the first few days I should go back and say a few things for them and do today while I'm at it....

1. So firstly I'd like to say that I'm so extremely grateful for the loving and supportive family that I have been blessed with. It was so wonderful to get a sampling of them last week for the Vagina Monologues cuz a bitch definitely has been needing the vibes...

2. On that note, I am also grateful for the amazing friends that I have in my life and the fact that although we are not always in the closest of contact, that love is always there! My dude Casey came down with Mom and Rachel last week, he fits in as friend and family, but I have a lot of those surrounding me and I am so appreciative of it!

3. I am grateful for the sky and its inhabitants (clouds, stars, moons...). I saw the moon mad bright in the sky today and it made me smile!

4. Okay and for today... I am grateful for the way my memory works. Sometimes it doesn't work for me. I can have an od short term memory sometimes, but I also remember some things vividly which I love. Today it helped me out because I have this weird ability to cram a lot of random information by associating things in a way that fits my brain's fancy.... So I was able to do pretty well on the Jews of Germany test that I had to take today and started studying for today.

Okay, that's that... so hopefully I'll remember to keep coming back each day... I think I got this! I ain't gon tell ya what to do, but give it a try... be grateful for life's goodness!

Love you freaks!!


  1. EXCUSE ME!!!! BIG SISTER COMING THROUGH!!! CAN YOU MOVE PLEASE!? *clears throat* "you're welcome little lady."

  2. lmao!! Thanks boo boo!
    That's why I loves ya!
    You got any requests for tonight's show??
