Monday, March 9, 2009

missed more days...So What!

So that last post I wrote last Thursday and never published it... I don't even know if I finished it to be honest... Whatever!

I missed more days of gratitude, but still not mad at me because I've continued to be grateful I just haven't written them here. So...

March 5-Being able to defy odds
As I talked about in the last one, my calendar told me that the 5th and 6th were supposed to be challenging days for me but they both actually turned out to be quite lovely! I appreciate that I didn't ruin them with any type of negativity!

March 6-Bernie
Went home for the weekend. Kind of snuck in, snuck out. I'm bringing these 3 girls home next week and I wouldn't have room for mad crap I needed to get out of my bedroom so I brought it this past weekend. My man Bernie ran like an angel-like the angel he is! I love my car, he has great energy!

March 7-The sun's shining rays
I think this is rather self-explanatory... The sun makes me feel good. Especially when it's not od-ing and it's giving you just enough of what you need! 70s is perfect for me... not that I've recently experienced that or anything, but I would love to... and I can't wait!! It's so happy when it's nice out!! ...I can't wait for the Loving Day celebration this year, by the by, that shit was like the epitomy of a beautiful summer day! (Free barbeque, beer, Ben and Jerrys!!, beautiful people, and bonding!)

March 8-Confusion
I've been confused. Confusing myself even. Making things more complicated than need be. I do that. I don't always tend to handle things directly because I'm really one to beat around the bush... But I am grateful to myself for looking out for myself and for trying to be aware of what I can learn/gain from my confusion.

March 9-Reunions
Bela and her little boy are here! A bunch of us are going to get together for dinner tonight... That makes me happy. Seeing my friends who left here makes me happy. Things are so different with their energies missing from this place! I so often wanna just be outta here and to be wherever the people I love are. I wanna be in Rochester, and NYC, and Atlanta, and other random sprinklings, all over, all at once... but I graciously settle for the visits and hi's and bye's I get in between times! And this week especially I look forward to reconnections on my journey home!

Friday, March 6, 2009

I missed another day.... and That's ok!

I am grateful for good conversation!

Yesterday (and today actually), according to my astrological calendar, was supposed to be one of my "challenging" days. I went to bed two nights ago at like 2am watching Don't Be a Menace. I had an 8:00 class and had told myself that I wanted to get to bed earlier to make sure I was on time for that class because I've been late for like the past month!

I stayed up for a while talking to RJ about random shit. Then I was AIMing for a little while. When I went to bed I was feeling good, I had a good feeling for the next day. I got up within like 2 or 3 snoozes, which is really good for me, it usually takes me like close to an hour to get out of bed!! I was on time for my 8:00. Then this girl who's in my 8:00 and my 9:25 came up to me like You ready for that quiz in Race and Racism? And I'm like Fuck!

I had skipped this class Monday when he gave us the quiz questions... but I was like you know what, I know this stuff, I got this! I went, I did pretty well. I should have been reading this book more because I was on like chapter 2 and we're now done with the book :/

I was listening to music, jammin hard, when I was taking it and got yelled at because he could hear it in the front of the room! boo hoo!

In my next class I had another quiz that I refused to study for because I was so gassed about having that Jews of Germany Test over with the day before (PS me and Day Day got an A on our presentation for that class!! Woot!)! I love my professor in that class, although his teaching style does not work for me in any way! I took the quiz cuz it counted as my attendance, but honestly I didn't know a damn thing on it! Like literally I looked at the paper, wrote my name on it... debated making some answers up outta thin air, then realized I had funner shit to do with my time and at least I could get out of class sooner!

I tried to bring the paper to the front of the room cuz he was in the back but then he made me hand it to him. I had to ONLYest walk of shame giving him that paper!! I could barely look him in the eyes. He was like, Ms. Coleman, you know we drop the lowest quiz grade? I just slinked out in shame...

So I ended up going to the SUB to table for First World with Dominique. Caitlin ended up coming, and Terrell, Steve, and it was a nice little party... Then Hasan came up and I talked to him for a while about mad random stuff. We ended up talking about astrology and Venus's retrograde and the a Saturn/Uranus opposition... That's an insightful brother, I fucks wit that guy!

Then RJ calls me at like 2pm (when he wakes up) and says its beautiful out and he's coming up to campus. He and I walked around for a while before my 4:30 (Jews) class. Mad cool, it was awesome outside, we walked over to the tripping fields. RJ took maaaaad pictures of me along the way. It was a little awkward cuz I would be telling him a story and he would start snapping and so then I'm talking to a camera lens...

So we walked around to the quad and saw my Center neighbors playing frisbee. Then I saw a ball and wanted to kick it. So me and Arj played with it. I got my Creative Recs od muddy and RJ was playing in some shiny ass dress shoes and they got mad dirty too!

Then I had to go to class which was probably the biggest challenge of the day. But that is when I found out I got that good A though!

After, Ruben and I had our show and RJ and Claudia came through! And they brought me a Mexicali bean burrito with garlic hot sauce! mmm mmmmm mmmmmmm!! It was great!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March of Gratitude

So I just found out what's good with this March of Gratitude thing. I saw someone write something like that on their Facebook status but I didn't know what it was about. Kim and Dominique just informed me that the deal is every day in March you write something that you are grateful for. I decided that since I missed the first few days I should go back and say a few things for them and do today while I'm at it....

1. So firstly I'd like to say that I'm so extremely grateful for the loving and supportive family that I have been blessed with. It was so wonderful to get a sampling of them last week for the Vagina Monologues cuz a bitch definitely has been needing the vibes...

2. On that note, I am also grateful for the amazing friends that I have in my life and the fact that although we are not always in the closest of contact, that love is always there! My dude Casey came down with Mom and Rachel last week, he fits in as friend and family, but I have a lot of those surrounding me and I am so appreciative of it!

3. I am grateful for the sky and its inhabitants (clouds, stars, moons...). I saw the moon mad bright in the sky today and it made me smile!

4. Okay and for today... I am grateful for the way my memory works. Sometimes it doesn't work for me. I can have an od short term memory sometimes, but I also remember some things vividly which I love. Today it helped me out because I have this weird ability to cram a lot of random information by associating things in a way that fits my brain's fancy.... So I was able to do pretty well on the Jews of Germany test that I had to take today and started studying for today.

Okay, that's that... so hopefully I'll remember to keep coming back each day... I think I got this! I ain't gon tell ya what to do, but give it a try... be grateful for life's goodness!

Love you freaks!!